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Break the Plateau with the FITT Principle

By applying these principles you will get results but, you will have to change your approach. To get the results you desire you need to avoid muscle memory & create muscle shock & yes that will mean your not always going to get to do what you like. But this works.Training smarter & not harder.

In 4-6 week blocks choose any of the following as a focus point to change.

1. Frequency

2. Intensity

3. Timing

4. Type


A. If your training 5 times a week, try increasing to 6 or decreasing to 3.


A. Change your strikes (boxing) from speed to power or vice/versa.

B. For arguments sake you throw 100 punches in a round, drop back to 50 but throw harder by inserting a 1 second pause in between each kick or punch, this will allow you the time to generate more power creating shock on your muscles resulting in better results (weight loss/strength)

C. If you normally strike a boxing bag and it swings, try striking it with out it swinging. We call this "kissing" the bag. You focus on snappy retraction (pulling back) of the strikes (punches & kicks) rather than actual impact. It builds your speed & definitely shocks the body.

D. If you normally squat the orange weights, try the green.

E. If your repping out 60 squats or shoulder presses in 60 secs. Do a slower up & down movement taking 6-8 sec to perform 1 single rep. This is called time under tension training


A. If your training for 60 minutes, drop back to 30 or 45.


A. If all you do is kickboxing, take a break, go run for a month.

B. If all you do is lift weights, go kickboxing, try yoga.

C. If you love strike training & you can't bring yourself to do anything else, do what I do & swap between hands & kicks for a month at a time. So it's a month of boxing (hands only), then a month of just the kicks. BRUTAL. By the time you come back to the hands 4 weeks later, its such a new refreshing feeling your body reacts positively and rewards you with new results.

Note: Trainers don't mind you changing a combo for yourself to suite you. Most of the time trainers are stoked your working out and applying tactics.

Stay beautiful & awesome guys!

Paul Rose - TTF.

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